Sunday, February 15, 2015

Why English Cream?

English Cream Golden Retrievers. Is there a difference between them and America's favorite fun-loving golden? The answer? Well... yes and no.

English Cream Golden Retrievers are obviously a member of the Golden Retriever family, and as such posses all of the same attributes that pet owners love: friendly, trustworthy, easily trained, patient, gentle with children, confident and charming. However, as implied by the name, they are more of a creamed color with hints of gold. Appearances also differ in more of a block-shaped face and body.

Aside from aesthetics, health is also a key component as to why pet-owners prefer English Cream Retrievers over American Golden. A health study in 1998 conducted by the Golden Retriever Club of America states that cancer is the cause of death in 61.8% of American Golden Retrievers (Glickman, Larry, et al. "The Golden Retriever Club of America National Health Survey".Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine, 1998.)  However, in English Cream Golden Retrievers, the percentage is a mere 38.8% (British Kennel Club Scientific Committee. "Summary Results of Purebred Dog Health Survey for Golden Retrievers".) 

The latter of the studies states that purebred English Cream Golden's live an average of 2 years more than the typical purebred American Golden, and have roughly half of the health problems due to their excellent breeding. The money initially saved in buying an American Golden retriever is insignificant in comparison to the veterinary expenses to be saved from purchasing an English Cream.

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